1. Your Travel Medical Insurance Just Won’t Cut It During a Global Pandemic
While your travel insurance policy may have limited medical coverage, even for international travel, most don’t cover COVID-19.
CAP Includes transportation for customers that get hospitalized due to a pandemic illness and want to be transported back to a hospital close to home to continue treatment, as well as medical evacuation and repatriation for other types of injuries and illnesses resulting in hospitalization during a qualifying period of travel.
If you contract COVID-19 while traveling abroad and become hospitalized as a result, we will bring you home. This includes coordinating with the treating physicians, finding a bed for you at a home hospital in your country of origin and transporting you back safely to a home hospital for continued care. Our goal is to get you home, safe – and we’ll spare no expense to do it. The best part? It’s a flat-fee plan, so you won’t pay a dime out of pocket.
Should something tragic happen, CAP also includes the repatriation of mortal remains, which means covering all the necessary expenses and government authorizations to transport the remains of a loved one back home.
Did You Know?
The Cap plan is an unprecedented value for those traveling often and abroad. Our medical, security, intelligence and crisis management services are the trusted choice for some of the world’s largest organizations, iconic brands, and avid travelers.