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OHIP to Be Stretched Thin with Proposed Cuts to Travel Insurance

Cuts Highlight the Importance of Medical and Security Travel Assistance Plans

The out-of-country travel assistance support that Ontario travellers have become accustomed to from the Ontario Health Insurance Plan might be left behind.

The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care has recently proposed to cut coverage for emergency medical travel assistance costs that are included with OHIP. Currently, travellers leaving the country can claim up to a maximum of $400 per day for inpatient higher-level care, and an additional $50 per day for emergency outpatient care. The proposed changes could take effect as early as October 1, 2019.

The Ontario government, led by Doug Ford, is justifying the cuts to address what is known to be a multi-billion-dollar deficit plaguing the province. Public feedback will be accepted on the proposed cuts until April 30.

Experts Believe Provisions from OHIP’s Travel Assistance Program was Already Limited

Pundits throughout the Ontario government say that OHIP’s out-of-country coverage is already limited in nature, oftentimes covering only pennies for each dollar a traveller must spend for emergency medical expenses.

Global travellers could incur tens of thousands of dollars of expenses if they experience a medical emergency, which leaves a significant need for travellers to purchase their own coverage. Many reach out to travel insurance, and travel assistance companies like FocusPoint for the most comprehensive coverage when leaving the country.

Solutions to Your Travel Needs Are Already Available

“The proposed cuts by the Ford government reaffirms the importance of comprehensive coverage for global travellers,” says Greg Pearson, CEO of FocusPoint International.

“CAP has been successful in offering thousands of global travellers coverage far beyond what OHIP provides and will be providing. We continue to encourage travellers, including seniors and snowbirds, to seek out the best possible coverage for their trip, big or small.”

About CAP Medical and Security Travel Assistance Memberships Offered by FocusPoint International

Travel insurance plays an important role for many travellers, and to consider travel assistance memberships like CAP to protect the wellbeing of yourself, and your family under any circumstance.

CAP offers comprehensive medical and security travel assistance benefits, where travel insurance, and OHIP does not. The CAP travel assistance benefits structure and speaks to the needs of those with pre-existing medical conditions provides dedicated crisis response and assistance for natural disasters, and terrorism, including injuries due to criminal violence, and worldwide medical and security emergency evacuation services.