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What to do In the Event of a Coup

  • CoupStay out of the range of gunfire by staying indoors and away from windows
  • If you are outside - get to a building right away, stay low to the ground, or even take cover under a table or behind a wall
  • If you are in a building - do not leave until the conflict is over

If you need to go outside:

  • Avoid large and heavily populated crowds
  • Do not carry large amounts of cash in the unfortunate event that you get robbed
  • Stay informed - check social media and local news for updates
  • Let friends and family know you are okay
  • Follow the direction of local authorities
  • Avoid being defiant or combative, despite your opinion of the situation
  • If the conflict endures, leave the country or travel to a safer region if possible
  • Downloading a police scanner app could help find the safest way out of the country