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A Guide to Traveling with Food Allergies

Food allergies have been a growing concern for many people in recent years. As of 2021, approximately 6.2% of adults and 5.8% of children in the US had food allergies, a number which has been on the rise over the past 20 years. The nine most common allergens are milk, soy, eggs, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, fish, and shellfish.

For many, traveling is a delightful exploration of cultures, traditions, and, of course, cuisines. But for those with food allergies, the adventure can bring an added layer of caution. Being in unfamiliar surroundings and navigating dietary needs can be challenging, but it's entirely possible with a bit of preparation. Traveling with food allergies doesn't mean you have to miss out on the world's array of culinary delights. It merely requires a bit more planning and vigilance. Here's a guide to help travelers with food allergies enjoy their journeys safely:

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  • Research the Destination's Cuisine: Different cultures have different staple ingredients. For instance, in East Asian countries like Japan and China, soy is prevalent in many dishes, making it tricky for those who are allergic to it. In contrast, the Mediterranean region heavily relies on nuts and seafood. By researching the common ingredients of your destination, you can be better prepared for what dishes to avoid.
  • Learn Key Phrases: Language barriers can make it challenging to communicate your allergies. It's beneficial to learn key phrases or have them written down in the local language. Phrases like "I am allergic to…" or "Does this contain…?" can be life-saving. There are also apps and pocket-sized cards available, translated into multiple languages, specifically for this purpose. Google Translate can also be useful in such instances, although it may not always be 100% reliable on certain specifics.
  • Always Carry Safe Snacks: In case you're unable to find suitable meals immediately, always carry safe, non-perishable snacks. Not only does this ensure you won't go hungry, but it also provides peace of mind. Please keep in mind that certain countries have strict regulations on bringing food into the country from abroad, so be sure to research this before leaving. Alternatively, you could purchase these snacks after arriving, although you should be careful about the ingredients and make sure you are able to translate them on the packaging.
  • Inform Airlines and Hotels in Advance: When booking flights or accommodations, notify them of your allergies. Most airlines can accommodate specific dietary needs, and hotels might offer special menus or provide guidance on local eateries that cater to dietary restrictions.
  • Embrace Technology: Various apps can help travelers with food allergies. Some apps can translate ingredients, recommend allergy-friendly restaurants, or allow you to scan barcodes to check for allergens.
  • Have a Medical Plan: Always carry your allergy medications, including antihistamines and EpiPens. Have a written action plan, and if traveling to a country where your medication isn't available, bring extra. Know where the nearest medical facilities are, and keep emergency contact numbers handy.
  • Always Double-Check: Even if you've explained your allergy and have been assured that the dish is safe, always double-check. Cross-contamination can happen, and it's always better to be extra cautious.
  • Consider Staying Somewhere with Cooking Facilities: If it is possible within your budget, consider staying somewhere with cooking facilities that you can use in your room or at the hotel, giving you control over meals. Please note that these accommodations can be more expensive, as having cooking facilities on-site is often considered a premium feature.
  • Use Allergy-Awareness Accessories: Consider wearing a medical alert bracelet that details your allergies or carrying an allergy awareness card to present at restaurants.

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Regardless of whether you personally have food allergies, safety when traveling is paramount. CAP Tripside Assistance provides you with this safety net. Offering comprehensive travel assistance services, CAP ensures you're taken care of during any unexpected hitches in your journey. Whether it's a medical emergency from an accidental allergen ingestion or any other unexpected hiccup on the road, CAP is there, bridging the gap between you and immediate professional assistance. Remember, the essence of travel lies in the experiences, the sights, the sounds, and the memories you create. And with the peace of mind provided by CAP Tripside Assistance, you can focus on just that, letting the flavors of the world enrich your journey in every way possible.