Make the Most of These Tips During Your Next Budget Travel Adventure or Luxury Vacation
There is a long list of ways to stay safe during budget travel or luxury adventures alike. As a tourist in a different place, you stand out to many thieves who will target you for robberies and scams. Regardless of whether you’re traveling on a budget, there are many simple ways to stay safe while you travel abroad, allowing you to focus on enjoying your time away from home.
Pack Your Bags Accordingly During Budget Travel
How you pack your bags could help you avoid potential disaster during your travels. While there are endless backpacks available with specialized locks and fabrics, it may prove to be more effective to pack two different bags. Consider leaving your valuables like laptops in a small backpack that you can lock away in your hotel or hostel, and then carry a separate backpack with the necessities you need for the day. If you put everything in one single bag and it ends up lost or stolen, you’ll lose not only your clothing, but also your valuables.
In busy places, swing your backpack in front of you so it can't be tampered with from behind without you knowing. The same goes for wallets and back pockets—they are vulnerable to pickpocketing, especially in hectic places like central stations or popular tourist attractions.
Furthermore, having backups of your travel documents and itineraries stored in an email or cloud service could save many headaches if you are robbed. Photocopies of important travel documents saved to an online external service could save you endless time and money.
Dress Appropriately During Budget Travel
Tourists often wear patches showing off their country of origin on their luggage or jackets. While the intent is to showcase some pride in where they are from, these identify you as a tourist and make you vulnerable to theft or violent crime. Your best bet is to try and blend in with the locals, wearing clothes that don’t identify you as a tourist.
Also, consider limiting the amount of cash you carry in your wallet and refraining from wearing flashy jewelry. Some ATM fees may tempt you to take out large sums of money, but doing so puts you at a huge risk. If you must carry large amounts of cash, keep a limited amount in your wallet, and have the remainder stowed away in a backpack or safe in your hotel.
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